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Let's face it... we're ALL survivors!


But some of us have survived against odds that were truly stacked against us. 


Survivor Shirts was established by Forever Grateful founder, Jayden Cummins, while still in hospital recovering from his heart transplant. An insomniac for as long as he can remember, he decided to put his time on the CCU ward in the middle of the night to good use, and started designing shirts.


Survivor Shirts are a celebration of life. They represent gratitude and humility. But most of all, they are a daily reminder of what we can achieve when our backs are against the wall. Just like scars become a badge of honour, Survivor Shirts are worn with pride and acceptance.


We are strong. We are determined. We are survivors.


Survivor Shirts is part of the Forever Grateful group, and 100% of the profit from every Survivor Shirts sale is donated to The Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute


All designs have been done by Jayden and his son, Henry.

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