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Forever Grateful is an Australian not-for-profit social enterprise and film production company which aims to raise awareness of organ donation, as well as support medical research in cardiac health and organ transplantation through targeted initiatives and social propagation.


A passionate, cause-based organisation, Forever Grateful specialises in provocative and engaging story-telling for community, health, and social awareness campaigns that seek to effect change.

Latest Projects

What Is A Hero?

What is a hero? We asked a group of kids that very question. Every day, Australia sees many brave heroes step up at a time when we need them the most. Sometimes, it's the ones we don't hear about that make the greatest impact on people's lives.

If I Could Talk To My Donor

It’s the most precious of gifts, and one that we can never say thank you for in person. But what if we could? A sensitive exploration of the devastating, beautiful duality of life and loss that defines organ donation, This 3 minute short film articulates aloud what transplant recipients might say to their donors if they had the chance. 

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"Organ Donation is one of the purest examples of all that is good about humanity. It transcends race, colour, creed, class and gender. It is simply the most precious gift that one person can give to another."

Jayden Cummins - Heart transplant recipient and Founder, Forever Grateful

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